I’m an anti-diet food and body freedom health coach.
work with me
1:1 Food Freedom Coaching
Ready to feel confident in your relationship with food and body image? Learn how to eat without guilt and fear of weight gain. Individualized coaching provides 100% accountability and support. We use my guided framework and work together to create a plan that works for you and your lifestyle so you can start feeling like your happiest and healthiest self.
Unrestricted You Group Coaching
This is my group coaching that follows the same framework as Food Freedom Coaching in a group setting of like-minded women so you never feel alone in your journey. This group coaching experience is a combination of course work and LIVE support with myself.
Online Course
Looking for support and wanting to get started on your own time? Online courses are for you! Take at your own pace and enjoy lifetime access.
If You Want to Stop Dieting For Good:
Build a healthier and confident relationship with food and your body. You will go from feeling alone and frustrated in your struggles with food and body image to feeling confident to eat without guilt and fear of gaining weight. You will learn to break the restrict/binge cycle and feel confident in your food choices and body you live in today!
Coaching is for you if:
- Want to improve your relationship with food, for good!
- Suffer with body image and want to feel confident in your own skin
- Desire to never fear weight gain again
- Sick and tired of tracking food and want to be an intuitive eater
- Are confused with what to eat and want to learn how to make balanced meals without counting/weighing
- Are ready to stop looking for the next diet, cleanse, way to lose weight and instead want more freedom around food
- You’re constantly starting over on Monday
- You’re “good” all week to be “bad” and all weekend and don’t want to continue this viscous cycle of starting over on Monday
- Live in extremes - you’re all in or all out and desire balance
- Tired of overthinking what you should and shouldn’t eat and want food to feel easy
- You want food to be an easy, enjoyable part of your day without consuming your mind
- You want to be healthy and feel good in your body without fearing weight gain

3 pillars
Ditch Diet Mindset
- Rewire the way you think about food and dieting
- Unlearn old thought patterns and release confusion
- Stop the constant food thoughts
- Feel confident in your food choices
Body Image:
Break The Cycle
- Break food rules and disordered eating patterns
- Uncover why you are stuck in the restrict/binge cycle
- Stop emotional eating
- Trust your body to eat when hungry and stop when full
- Rebuild body trust and respect to increase body image
- Feel at peace in your skin
Gentle Nutrition:
Eat Without Guilt
- Flexible, non-diet approach to eating
- Eat food from a place of freedom not fear
- Eat ALL foods without a side of guilt
- Build a healthier and confident relationship with food and your body
Client Reviews
“I am an accountant and dog mom. I spent a lot of my life obsessing over food and counting calories. I felt like I was hopeless and would be a constant over-eater my whole life. I am so grateful Instagram led me to finding Becca’s page. I loved the accountability and supportive community from the Unrestricted You Group Program and I am so excited to continue working with Becca.”
— Kaitlyn —

frequently asked questions
Schedule a Food Freedom Discovery Call for 1:1 coaching HERE. I offer group coaching three times a year. Next round will start early May 2023. Perfect timing to start improving your relationship with food and body heading into Summer. Online courses are evergreen and available to you at all times. Click HERE for Break The Cycle Online Course.
Yes, I offer payment options that stretch out the monthly payment over 3 or 4 months.
from the blog
How to Be an Intuitive Eater While Traveling
Learning to eat intuitively in your day to day life and routine is hard enough… now what do you do when you’re traveling!? (Part 1 – Leading up to Vacation) I think MOST importantly and …
What is Intuitive Eating
Intuitive eating is an approach to health and food that has nothing to do with diets, meal plans, discipline or willpower. It teaches you how to get in touch with your body cues like hunger, …