To close in these last few weeks of summer I want to share with you a very Blueberry Smoothie Recipe. Inspired by bNUTTY Peanut Butter where the star ingredient is Blissful Blueberry All Natural Artisan Peanut Butter. The flavor of this peanut butter will beyond WOW you at every bite.
Peanut Butter with no guilt, Yes Please!
My obsession for Peanut Butter is real and it’s been taken to a completely different level thanks to bNUTTY Peanut Butter. BNUTTY is handmade peanut butter that is freshly ground, gluten free, zero trans fat, no additives, no added oil and no preservatives… and get this, it’s sooo yummy. This peanut butter was created by two mothers that shared the same passion of helping others. They started by making different flavors of peanut butter and now have 10 different delicious flavors. Click here to read their story.
I was introduced to Bnutty Peanut Butter at the Valparaiso Farmer’s Market. While walking through the market, I saw a stand for peanut butter and free samples and I had to stop for a taste. I am so excited about this delicious, good for you peanut butter and I am even more excited to share it with all of you.
So Many Delicious and Creative Flavors:
There are so many creative flavors from Blissful Blueberry, Totally Toffee, and Simply Salted Caramel just to name a few. Did I grab your attention yet!? How about Maple Bacon, S’mores Dreams or Irresistible Pretzel? These flavors are amazing!!!
I have been on a breakfast smoothie kick all summer so I created a Blueberry Coconut Smoothie made with BNutty’s Blissful Blueberry Artisan Peanut Butter. This smoothie is perfect for a quick on the go breakfast or snack. It’s packed with antioxidants from the blueberries and protein from the greek yogurt. The oats will give you energy to power through your morning with just enough sweetness from the honey and banana.
With only a week or two left in blueberry season, I bought 10 pounds of blueberries to keep in the freezer so I can enjoy this Blueberry Smoothie all winter long. Stock up on blueberries and follow my step by step instructions on how to clean and store blueberries below. Use them in smoothies, in your oatmeal or pop them in your mouth frozen for a sweet, heart-healthy snack.
How to Clean and Store Blueberries:
How to clean Blueberries:
Here is step by step instructions on how to clean blueberries: Wait to wash berries until you are ready to eat them.
- Put blueberries into a strainer and check for any stems. Most stems should have fallen off on their own.
- Turn on cold water and gently rinse blueberries in strainer.
- Let the strainer sit under water while you check for any more stems, bugs, etc.
- Lay the blueberries in a single layer on paper towels and gently pat the blueberries dry with a paper towel being careful not to squish the blueberries. I allow my blueberries to sit out and air dry, as well.
How to store Blueberries:
- Make sure you first check for any moldy or squished blueberries and discard of them. Mold is typically found closer to the stem. By discarding of rotten blueberries you will prevent mold from spreading.
- Make sure the blueberries are completely dry to prevent them from molding.
Store Blueberries in Refrigerator:
- You can use the original plastic basket the berries came in or anything that has slits in it to allow for adequate ventilation.
- *TIP* Line your container with paper towel to soak up any remaining moisture.
- Store blueberries towards the bottom of the refrigerator on the second or bottom shelf. Avoid storing on top shelf of refrigerator where it’s the coldest.
- Blueberries will last up to a week when stored in the refrigerator.
Store Blueberries in Freezer:
- First, freeze the blueberries individually by spreading the berries in a single layer across a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
- *TIP* Avoid using metal when possible as blueberries can react with the metal leading to discoloration.
- Place the baking sheet covered with blueberries in the freezer for roughly 3 hours or until completely frozen.
- Once frozen, scoop blueberries in a freezer safe ziplock bag. Make sure the bag is closed completely and put in freezer.
- The berries will be good for up to one year!!!

- ½ cup unsweetened coconut milk
- ½ cup vanilla Greek yogurt
- 1 tbsp Blissful Blueberry All Natural Artisan Peanut Butter
- 1 tbsp. honey
- ½ cup blueberries
- ½ frozen banana
- ¼ cup rolled oats
- 5 ice cubes
- Using a blender add coconut milk, yogurt, Blissful Blueberry Peanut Butter, honey, blueberries, banana, rolled oats and ice cubes.
- Blend until completely combined and there are no more chunks of ice in mixture.
- Pour in glass and ENJOY!